Installing PHPmyAdmin 4.9.1 on MacOs Catalina 10.15

Pedro Mejía
1 min readNov 1, 2019



MacOS Catalina V 10.15

MySQL 8.0.18


  1. Go to and download the Version 4.9.1 all languages.
  2. Open the terminal:
cd /Users/your-user/Sites/
mkdir phpmyadmin

3. Extract the downloaded files inside the newly created phpmyadmin/ folder

Open the terminal and do:

sudo mkdir /var/mysqlsudo ln -s /tmp/mysql.sock /var/mysql/mysql.socksudo mkdir phpmyadmin/configsudo chmod o+w phpmyadmin/config

4. Open the browser and point it to

5. In the overview tab, servers section, click “new server” and go to the “authentication” tab and add:

username: root
Password: your-password

6. Go to

It should work.



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